
  • Podcast
  • ecstatic *adj.* [ek-STAT-ik]
  • Definition
  • Did You Know?
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ecstatic podcast

ecstatic adj. [ek-STAT-ik]



: of, relating to, or marked by ecstasy


Did You Know?

Ecstatic has been used in our language since the late 16th century, and the noun ecstasy is even older, dating from the 1300s. Both derive from the Greek verb existanai (“to put out of place”), which was used in a Greek phrase meaning “to drive someone out of his or her mind.” That seems an appropriate history for words that can describe someone who is nearly out of their mind with intense emotion. In early use, ecstatic was sometimes linked to mystic trances, out-of-body experiences, and temporary madness. Today, however, it typically implies a state of enthusiastic excitement or intense happiness.

词源词根演化:existanai (“to put out of place”) —> ecstasy (n.) / ecstatic (adj.)



  • Greta and Paul were ecstatic when their daughter called to tell them that they were soon going to be grandparents.
    当他们的女儿打电话说他们即将当祖父母时,Greta与Paul简直乐疯 。

  • “Harold Pinter established himself as Britain’s foremost dramatist by placing inscrutable characters in cryptic situations and he was bound to keep the production line in motion, knowing that his oblique scripts would be greeted by genuflecting reviewers, ecstatic professors of literature and shrewd thesps ululating with approval at every rehearsal.”
    Lloyd Evans, The Spectator, 24 Nov. 2018


注:foremost:adj. 最前面的;dramatist:剧作家,戏剧家;inscrutable:难以了解的,不能预测的;cryptic:隐秘的,秘密的,用密码的;be bound to:必然,必定;oblique:间接的,斜的,拐弯抹角的,不光明正大的;genuflecting:屈膝,跪拜,屈从;shrewd:精明的,明锐的,狡猾的;thesps:【口】thespian,悲剧,悲剧演员;ululate:哀叫,鸣叫,失声痛哭

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